Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Radiation continues

Mom's radiation is each day, Mon. through Fri. at 11:30 AM. the worst part of it is that Mom LOVES to sleep in and HATES having to get out of bed earlier than she would like! Yesterday, the radiation oncologist had a Christmas party and all of the patients received a goodie bag. Plus, Dad got to eat lots of yummy food while he was waiting for Mom.

She is feeling good. She looks better as each day goes by and the hair is growing! This will be such a wonderful Christmas. I will make sure I post a pic of Mom wearing the red bow that I bought for her to put on her head Christmas morning. I cannot think of anything else I could want for Christmas!

I am going to post some pics from Mom's surprise party from her friends. What a wonderful day that was!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas! God Bless all of you.


P.S. Jane has recovered fantastically from her brain surgery. She is a walking miracle!

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