Friday, December 19, 2008

On Wednesday Mom had an appointment to be fitted for her new boob and mastectomy bras. Brittany went with Mom since she is home for Christmas break. She said that Mom did wonderfully and they actually had fun! Mom was fitted with a prosthesis (breast) and given a bra to wear home. Her insurance allows for 6 bras a year, so she picked out 5 more. Brittany convinced her to pick vibrant colors, as in Britt's words "You only live once, Grandma". Mom got pink, purple, etc. She ordered 2 camisoles as well.

And in Mom's words, "she looks normal now", although everyone's definition of normal is very different, I suppose. It was nice to see her smile. She was like a little kid at Christmas! So excited about her gifts! It is amazing when you see her. It looks as if she still has both boobs! The woman who fitted her did a great job. Again, Mom said the staff was exceptionally nice and caring. Plus, she got to see her surgeon, Dr. Malay, as well. Mom stopped in the office to say hello while they were in Cranberry.

There really are angels here on earth. Mom's medical team has been amazing thus far, as well as their staff.

I bought a huge red bow at Walmart for Mom to put on top of her head Christmas morning. After all, she is my gift this year. I will take a picture and post it for everyone.

Love all of you so much!


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