Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Update on Mom

Dr. Wilson's office called Mom yesterday for some basic info; she will go to his office for her radiation. She also received a call from the woman who will assist her in purhasing mastectomy bras and her "cadillac of fake boobs". She has a deductible of $5 per bra and $60 for the fake boob. Absurd isn't it that you have to pay for a fake boob?

Her appt. is for Dec. 17th, so I will take her to Cranberry that day. The woman will meet us at Dr. Malay's office. I don't even know the name of the company; I will have to ask Mom. They will size her and all of that good stuff.

Mom sees Dr. Simon tomorrow for her post surgery visit, as well. She'll find out tomorrow if she has to continue seeing her or not.

She is improving slowly, but surely.

As always, thank you for the prayers!


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