Monday, November 17, 2008

No More Drains!

Mom went to see her surgeon again today and the drains were removed! Mom was so excited! Dr. Malay's office is going to have someone call Mom to set up an appointment to see about a fake boob ("cadillac" version, remember?) and they will also have someone call Mom to assist her in dealing with her emotions.

The tears have been flowing like Niagra Falls the past few days. I can talk until I am blue in the face with cheerful words of wisdom and such, but the truth is: I am not in her shoes. I don't understand what she is feeling or why she is feeling that way. It breaks my heart that I cannot bring back that spark, but I have faith that it will return to Mom soon enough.

Dr. Malay's office will set up her radiation appointments and Mom goes back to see her in 3 months. At that time, she will have a clean bill of health (fingers crossed, prayers said, faith strong - :) !!!!!)

I spoke to one of Mom's good friends today and she & 4 or 5 other gals are going to surprise my Mom for her birthday in December by bringing her a cake and ice cream. It is very difficult to pull off a surprise for my mother, but I am going to do my damndest to pull this off.

It is refreshing to see the good in so many people when someone you love is ill. We have been truly blessed by so many wonderful friends and neighbors. Thank you to everyone who has prayed and will continue to pray.

We all love you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


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