Thursday, April 16, 2009


Dad had to have emergency hernia surgery yesterday morning. Everything went well and he will be in the hospital tonight again and come home tomorrow.

After a long night at the ER and long day at the hospital yesterday, Mom was extremely tired. And stressed. I took her home around 4:00 so she could get some rest. I went back to the hospital, but Dad was sleeping most of the time, which is what he needs to do.

Mom napped most of the evening and went to bed early. She tires easily these days.

I am at work, so I will update tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

everyone needs to rest up and then go FORWARD as my sister Jane would always say!! enjoy the spring and hang tough!!adios moe

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone is doing better this week! This beautiful spring day brings new promises...hope you all have a great weekend and can enjoy all these flowers that are poping up! Know that you all are in prayers.