Saturday, April 4, 2009

Prayers, Prayers and more Prayers

Another of Mom's chemo buddies, as she affectionately calls them, has passed. He had stomach cancer.

And we now need prayers for John Patton, a childhood friend of my brothers, who has been fighting cancer for far too long. He is 48 years old. The cancer began in his tongue, spread to lymph nodes and was just found in one of his leg bones. Because of the cancer, his bone cracked and he just underwent surgery to have a rod placed in his leg. They are watching him carefully due to his low red blood cell count. As all cancer patients, John has been through so much. He has two young daughters and the family needs our prayers.

Mom is hanging in there. Emotionally she is a little down, due to the recent deaths. Additionally, a woman she worked with at Westminster died suddenly.

As Jane would have said, "it is what it is" and we have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Enjoy each and every day, as you never know when your last day will come." We are thinking of you today, as your family celebrates your life back in the Cape. We know you are smiling down on them, Jane.

And yes, everyone. Cancer does, indeed, suck!



Anonymous said...

Hi Mo and Pat,

I just read your note on Jane's blog and I wanted to let you know that I've checked yours, too, from time to time. Pat, you're in my prayers. I didn't know you very well at WC, but I think I remember you! I will have my memory refreshed Monday by Mary Jo! I do hope you will continue to do well. My mom had breast cancer and did well, my dad had colon cancer and also did well. I lost my husband to lung cancer and a dear friend to pancreatic cancer. I'm pretty sick of this disease. We all mourned Jane and Liza this week at WC. Relay for Life is going on today and a nice group of people walked for Jane. Take care and I'll continue to check on you!

Denise Guthery
Admissions Office

Anonymous said...

Jane has taught many lessons to each of us" i want to meet u when i see tim graduate in june. Today i still cry over my sister's death-yes u must take the next plan and go forward-no cancer is good. thanks for posting. as u can see posted by jane's family know it says. adios moe and prayers for anyone u know with cancer.