Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Chemo Treatment

I stopped to see Mom after work today. She is trying to sound strong, but I can tell that she is not feeling great. She had no adverse reactions to the new chemo, Taxotere, but she is absolutely worn out. It is so difficult to see her like this.

I wanted to go with her today, but my boss had other plans for me. What else is new? I took a vacation day August 11th so I could go to the surgeon with her.

I despise the fact that they have to literally put poison into your body to kill the cancer; it has such negative affects on your body and spirit.

Mom was NOT herself today. AT ALL. I worry so much about her. Please continue praying.

Britt & I are going over there tomorrow for dinner. She insists she is cooking; stubborn as she is. I know it is good for her to do things and be active, but she just looks so damn tired.

Another update will come tomorrow evening........

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