Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bad Day

Mom & Dad's anniversary was yesterday. Mom was having one of her worst days ever, though. She had bad back pain and was the MOST tired she has ever been. I had to go to Pittsburgh last night to help my daughter in her new apartment and Mom & Dad were going to come with me. Mom called me at work crying...........she was having a "bad day" she said. I told her she is most certainly allowed to have a bad day.

I went home from work changed my clothes, packed up Britt's things and stopped at Mom's. This was a low point. I haven't seen her this upset and depressed since the whole "C" word was uttered to us. I cannot explain how difficult it is to see someone you love suffering.

She dozed most of the night and went to bed early. She was still sleeping at 10:00 AM today when I called to check on her.

I have to work 12-8 today, so I will be checking on her by phone as often as I can. I have only two words:


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