Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Well, again it has been too long since I have posted. I am such a procrastinator.

Mom has continuted to be quite the trooper, but the chemo is having it's affects on her. She is now completely bald (and beautiful, I might add). Brittany shaved her head for her so she didn't resemble a cupie doll anymore! Her lack of energy is increasing and she gets tired so easily. The Nuelasta shot she receives the day after chemo makes her bones ache and it is getting difficult for her to climb stairs. Her mood remains upbeat, though. She is such a fighter and I am so proud of her!

She met a woman who worked at Westminster yesterday. Her name is Jane and she is currently going through her 2nd bout with cancer. There was an article about Jane & her husband in the New Castle News (both have cancer) and an address was listed for Jane's blog. I have since read it each and every day, and it is the reason I begain a blog for Mom.

I am not as dedicated as Jane, though. I shall try to do better.

Anyhow, please keep Jane in your prayers as well. I am so glad that she & Mom met. Perhaps they can be an inspiration to each other.

Mom begins her next round of chemo on August 5th and will be receiving Tamoxere. Dr. Simons told Mom that this drug will be hard on her veins (still no port) and will probably result in strong fatigue. Mom is not looking forward to it. She went yesterday for bloodwork and her platelets are low. If she had been scheduled for chemo yesterday, she wouldn't have been able to recieve it.

The dr. told her to be extremely careful not to get cut. With the platelets being so low, her blood won't clot properly. I am going to meet her & dad at her next chemo appt. so that I can have the nurses explain her counts to me and what they mean. Mom gets a copy of her report each time she has bloodwork, but has no idea how to read the report. There is so much info to keep up with, it is amazing.

The mass in her breast and under her arm are both decreasing in size! YAY. The mass under her arm has decreased the most. From 5cm to 2 cm. We see her surgeon on August 11th, and are hoping for a date for surgery.

My brother is coming up from Florida for a long weekend in August. Mom is so excited. She loves having both of her us here at the same time.

My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer, as well and had a lumpectomy on Monday. Her lymph nodes looked o.k., but some were removed for further testing. If all goes well, she will have to have radiation; no chemo.

I am so tired of hearing of people having cancer. You don't realize how many people it affects until someone you know and love is diagnosed.

Until next time.....................please keep praying.


Jane's Family said...

Thanks for sharing your blog address with me, and I will have yours on mine. I remember when I used to get Neulasta, it did the same thing to me. Achy like the flu. Cancer sucks. I'm going through gemzar/chemo drug. My white blood cells get low and therefore I'm unable to get all 3 treatments in a cycle. Usually miss one. I head to Shadyside tomorrow, having a friend drive me. MRI brain and CT scans of chest/abdomen. My blog is my therapy. People say I inspire them, but I do often have days when I cry. We're all human. Again, thanks.

PS. My sister's name is Maureen, too. My love and hope go out to you and your mom. What a great idea you had for creating this blog.


Jane's Family said...

I've read the entire blog. I have a double port and it works out wonderful for me. Since I had lymph nodes removed from one arm, am unable to use it for blood draws and for chemo. And I knew I was going to have many chemo treatments and that one arm was not an option. Tell Pat, it's worth it. Don't sweat the small stuff! Peace.
PS I'm younger than you and I feel so tired every day. Terrible feeling not having "umph." I wish I wasn't tired so much.
