Friday, July 25, 2008

Mom & Dad visited with Britt & I last night. They were over for about an hour or so. Mom was tired, though, and they decided to get home. She gets worn out so much faster these days.

She has a rash on her one leg that is bothering her. I told her to talk to Dr. Simon's about it. I am not sure if it could be a side affect of the chemo or not. She said that it calms down at night, but in the AM it flares up again.

I received an email from Jane, whom I told everyone about. She would like to get together with Mom & I sometime. I gave her Mom's telephone number. Funny how something as awful as cancer gives you the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people.

I'm at work, so that's the update for today.

More to come............................please pray.

1 comment:

Jane's Family said...

I have met more people since having cancer that I would have had I not had cancer. Yes, it's funny but nice. There are so many angels that walk among us. Have not heard results from my MRI and CT scans. I go to see Dr. Simon on Tuesday followed by treatment. I'll know for sure then.