Thursday, April 9, 2009

Conflicting Emotions

Hello all. As usual, I have not kept to my word of blogging on a consistent basis. Again, I will try and do better. I received an email from Jane's sister Moe who is struggling with the fact that Jane's husband has chosen to close Jane's blog.

I must admit that it brought tears to my eyes when I read Barry's post. However, I can understand why he has chosen to do that. When I spoke to him at the funeral home, I told him I was a daily reader of her blog; hence the reason for Mom even reaching out to Jane when she saw her at Dr. Simon's office the 1st time. Barry responded that he did not read the blog. That was Jane's "thing". He had tears in his eyes when my mom told him what an inspiration Jane was to her.

Barry was with Jane each and every day and knew firsthand what she went through on a daily basis. There was really no need for him to read the blog. However, in reading the blog, each and every one of us were able to know Jane even if we had never met her. We learned about the daily grind of cancer and what meds worked and what meds didn't. Her sister Moe searched Jane's blog for me one day attempting to find what cream worked for Jane when she was getting radiationand had a rash. My mom had a bad burn from radiation and I had mentioned it on the blog. Moe was right there for us, as Jane was in the hospital at the time. She did not hesitate to help Mom out when she needed answers. Thank you, Moe! I really hope to be able to meet Moe in person when she is here for Tim's graduation.

And Jane. Each and every time I blogged about Mom struggling or being tired and hurting, she always offered positive words. And she prayed. Not just for Mom but for each and every indiviudal who has to experience the awful world of cancer. Her faith was amazing to me.

I am in awe that, although I never met Jane, I could tell you what made her happy. So many posts of the turkeys and deer in the backyard and how much she loved "God's country" as she referred to New Wilmington. A simple thing such as Moe baking chocolate chip cookies when she was in town to visit and receiving so many flowers and cards for her birthday. She loved her church and loved the hymn "An Awesome God". She was thrilled when the congregation sang happy birthday to her.

She always had a kind word. Always. And I will love her for that. Always.

My mom is doing well. Her one year anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer will be here soon. She has survived the journey, but still suffers from the treatment. It takes a long while to recover from the chemotherapy and radiation. She struggles with the fact that she has only one breast. She does not yet have her energy back. The most important thing is that Jane still inspires my mom. Every day.

I printed out the last few entries to Jane's blog for mom. She had tears in her eyes. It is something that none of us thought would ever be. When I checked the blog 1st thing each morning, I knew there were others doing the same thing and I felt like part of a huge team.

And now we are facing uncertainty with one of my brother's high school friends. John Patton is 48 years old. Young like Jane. We must do something to try and eradicate this awful disease.

Prayers for John will be appreciated. And please continue to pray for my mom's good health.



Anonymous said...

thanks for the nice posting today and i have always been faithful to jane's blog-she wanted people to be helped by it in a better understanding of cancer, what it does,how things change, etc. etc. and i promised her when i was there that i would pass word of the blog along and it would not be forgotten. well i can't wait to meet u and your mom when i come and visit!! prayers for your mom and your friend as we know cancer sucks. adios moe

Maureen said...

I know that Jane wanted her blog to continue, so I will do my part to keep it going!


Susan P. said...

Dear Maureen: I have been following yours and your mom's journey through cancer via Jane's blog. I, too, went through the ordeal in 2000. I actually met Jane as I was completing treatments when we both began RCIA in September 2002. We then went on to take EM classes together, which was such a blast! She was great! I remember being extremely nervous about my first time serving and Jane, who had served the week before for the first time, gave me my "sea legs" by being...well, just Jane!

I will have a hard time forgiving myself for not staying in touch with her. Damn! We emailed back and forth a little bit after she moved to PA, where by the way, she did not want to go! She was so funny about moving. Jane was adamant she was not going to like it but in the end, she accepted it and began to look forward to it. I am so glad she ended up in what seems to be a most wonderful community. Nothing else would suffice for Ms. Jane. While you may lament not having ever met her in person, I hope you realize that you do know her. She is (still can't use the word 'was') the embodiment of Christ and what He wants you and I to be; a human being who truly loves her fellow man.

Ironic that I'm telling you all this on your blog and not on Jane's. Perhaps I'm a little bit weirded out (nice way of saying pissed) that the blog is closed. I understand Barry's perspective, though, as painful for us as it may be.

Anyway, my prayers are with and for you and your mom. And, one more thing. Stop beating yourself up about not blogging everyday! Jane would so kill you for that!

God Bless, Susan P. (