Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mom only has 1 more chemo treatment to go! Tuesday October 7th is the last one. Yipee! Next is strenthening her for surgery. I moved in with Mom & issues and to help out them through the war, as we call it.

Mom's spirits have been low. She has been content to basically lounge all day long. She gets worn out just going to the store these days. She is extremely nervous about surgery, as I have stated before.

She is constantly worrying about that day and how quickly she will recover. Dad is showing the signs of worry, as well. My brother & I were talking when he was up for a visit and said that Dad has seemed to age more during this process than Mom.

Mom doesn't have to see the surgeon prior to surgery, so I guess we just wait for the phone call to let us know what time to show up at the hospital on November 4th. While this country awaits the news of who the next President will be, Mom will be fighting with everything ounce of energy she has. And we will be right by her side.

It is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. One of my co-workers brought me in a bagel for my mom yesterday. It was shaped like a pink ribbon. :)

Please purchase items that give proceeds to breast cancer research! It seems as if there is pink everywhere! It is great to see, but it would be so much nicer if a cure could be found.

There really isn't much else to report. Mom keeps going each day and tries to remain positive. The "why me?" question pops up quite frequently, but she has resolved to fight the fight.

Thanks for all of your prayers.


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