Monday, March 2, 2009

Time for an Update

Mom is doing well. However, she is still extremely tired. Her hair is coming in quickly. She has been spiking the top! lol. I will post another pic soon. She is already wanting to know when she can have it colored again. She hates the greys.

So much has been happening otherwise. My brother had an MRI on Friday and we will know on Wednesday the reason for his pain. Please pray that we receive some good news. The orthopedic surgeon believes it is a sports hernia he is suffering from, but the MRI will tell us for sure.

Please continue to pray for Mom's friend Jane. Jane has made a decision to stop taking chemo and her family has called Hospice to assist in her care and to ease her pain. Jane is such an inspiration to my mom, as I have said many times. She has fought this ugly battle for such a long time. For never meeting Jane myself, I still feel as though I know her through reading her blogs and emailing back and forth with her sister. She has touched our lives and continues to do so by remaining so strong and having such an immense faith in God.

Love all of you,


1 comment:

Jane's Family said...

thank u for taking the time to read jane's blog-i head to see her in the morning!! hi to your mom! adios-the other moe