Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's Official - Today is Last Day of Radiation

Mom has made it through her long journey. Today is her very last radiation treatment. Thank you God!

Her underarm is still very sore; blisters and bleeding. Dr. Wilson informed her that she won the prize for the worst burn under the arm he has seen thus far! She did buy the cream he suggested, though, and it is helping. Had to pay over $50 for it, but it was worth it. Insurance would not cover the cost. Can you believe it? A cream that will heal the blisters from radiation and insurance won't pay for it. Our insurance system sucks for the elderly.

My sister-in-law got her a hooded sweatshirt that says "I kicked cancer's ass. Want to be next?" I love it!

I will update after we see the surgeon on February 9th.


P.S. I am extremely proud of my mom. She has fought so hard and she never complains. NEVER! She is my hero. :)


Jane's Family said...

glad that is done!! posting positve energy for my sister Jane-congrats on finishing the radiation!!! adios the other moe

Laura said...

Hi! Could you please tell me what that miracle-working cream is called? Thank you