Tuesday, June 24, 2008

3rd Chemo Treatment Today

Gosh, I am horrible at posting, aren't I? I must try and do better. Mom is having her 3rd chemo treatment as I type. (5 more to go.) Still no nausea; thank you God!

Today and tomorrow she will have less energy than usual, but other than that, she has been feeling good. She has developed a nagging cough, which Dr. Simons said was a side effect of both the chemo and the Neulasta shot. Mom's lungs and heart are in good shape AND her veins are holding up wonderfully. She absolutely does not want that port inserted!

Brittany being home has helped increase her spirits. Now that she is back, it is hard to believe she was in Australia for so long. The time went by so quickly.

Emotionally, she has both good and bad days. She hasn't contacted a support group yet, or reached out to anyone else w/cancer. When she is ready, she said.

My Aunt Bonnie was diagnosed with breast cancer recently...she will have the lump removed and then radiation. She has survived open heart surgery, so this should be a piece of cake. We hope, anyhow! Please pray for Aunt Bonnie as well as my mom.

This is a short one because I am working. I will let you know how Mom is feeling tomorrow.


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