Saturday, May 31, 2008

Losing the Hair

It is May 31st. Mom's hair began to fall out on Tuesday. She found more than usual in the shower that morning and when she dried her hair, more starting falling. :( She put it all in a pile on her bookshelf and cried. and cried. and cried. It sucks. I told her to call our hair dresser and have him cut it really short. I thought that it might not seem so awul, if it was shorter, you know? Hell, I know I would be depressed.

So she went to Victor and got a new do. I stopped after work last night to check it out and to give her a huge Maureen hug. It looks good, but of course she hates it. Unfortunately it is time for the turbans and hats and the wig. She hates the wig. God bless her, she hates it. I probably would, too. :( I am really worried about her emotional status at this moment. She is so fragile. I revert back to my previous thought that I wish I could just hug her and make it all go away.

This entry is going to be short, however, because I have to eat dinner, get a shower and I am taking Mom & Dad out for the night. We are going to listen to a county band tonight. She needs a night out to laugh and smile and forget about the "C" word. I hope she enjoys herself.

I thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Deb and Stritz, I will call you guys soon. I promise. It means so much to me that you are there for me and my family. Hopefully we can get together one of these days very soon.

Mom goes for her 2nd chemo session this Tuesday. After that Britt will be home in ten days. I am going to call the airport and attempt to arrange for my mom to meet Britt at the gate. This will hopefully be a surprise for Mama. Say your prayers that they allow it. I am hoping that under the unfortunate circumstances, they will break the rules and let Mom meet her at the gate. Britt and Mom are going to need some serious hug time when she arrives. And I mean serious hug time.

Please continue praying.......................


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