My daughter, Brittany graduated from the University of Pittsburgh this past weekend. We had beautiful weather for both Saturday and Sunday. Her graduation ceremony for the School of Business was on Saturday. The School of Psychology graduation ceremony was on Sunday morning at 9:00 AM and the main ceremony for all graduates was at 1:00 PM at the Peterson Events Center.
1st I would like to say how extremely proud I am of Brittany. I am also proud of my mom for making it through both days, as she tires so easily now. I am proud of Dad, as well. Only a little over a week after emergency hernia surgery, he made all 3 ceremonies.
We were completely exhausted on Sunday, as we had been up since 5:00 AM. But we had a beautiful day and had dinner with Brittany's dad and his family.
On Saturday we had dinner with Brittany's boyfriend and his parents. All of the ceremonies were very nice. On Sunday, we were tired before the 1:00 ceremony even began. I marched Mom & Dad into the Peterson and sat in section 124, which was right past the escalators. It turned out the the Arts & Science grads would be sitting on the opposite side of us; however, the good Lord was with us, as Brittany ended up sitting directly below us and was visible to us the entire ceremony! She even left us a video message, which the University played on the TV screeens, while we were waiting for the festivities to begin. :)
Mom leaves for Florida on June 6th to spend some much needed time with her 96 year old Mom. She will then visit with my brother and sister-in-law in Orlando before coming back to PA. She needs this vacation badly.
She has been feeling good, with the exception of fatigue, as I have stated before. Please keep her in your prayers. We see her chemotherapy oncologist in May....................we will be asking about the cyst in her right breast as well as her lingering cough.
I will keep everyone updated.